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09 Sep 2011

Can Google+ Really Work Wonders?

Online Marketing

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Google+ is the latest social networking site to foray into the online domain; however, it is important to understand that no new social networking site is of the same worth or offers the same services as its earlier counterparts.

Facebook, Twitter, MySpace has been widely used by the business corporate, brands and various companies across the globe for popularizing their services and products and gaining market reputation. They use the wide reach of the social networking sites and the high traffic on them to reach to a wider audience and offer their latest brand and product information along with quality offers and saving discounts through their social networking profiles.

Google+ is the latest social networking site from the search engine giant Google. Most businesses and online marketing experts around the world are trying to cash in on the big name and use the rising popularity of Google+. However, it is important that we understand Google+ is different from other social networking sites. Google+ does not have the option to create fan page or create business profiles unlike Facebook and Twitter. These sites have the option to create business profile pages and ensure regular update of the profiles to build a wide network and earn more visitors to their online sites and also directly deal with their customers on these social networking profiles. Google+ is yet to offer the different provisions such as business profiles, fan pages, business links etc. Google+ offer personal profile creation options such as gender selection etc. Hence, Google+ is in its preliminary stages and its usage for brand promotion is still not clear or developed by Google. Therefore, we should focus on using it as a social network than a professional networking site.


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