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What it takes to optimize your website’s landing page for mobile?

Mobile Optimization - 15 Jul 2014

What it takes to optimize your website’s landing page for mobile?

It is a known fact that preparing your site for mobile is essential in modern world of ‘cool’ gadgets. Keeping in mind, optimization of landing pages for mobile has become necessary for every business owner. If you wish to make the most of your mobile website, it is important to consider several important factors. Go through the points to ensure your site is all set for mobile users.

Scaling your Site is Important

The market is flooded with devices of various brands. So how should you make your website functional on most of them? Responsive web design may help you out in such situation. Therefore, you need to scale your site accurately so that it can work on any device. You should scale the website in portrait and landscape.

Position the Content Wisely

Considering the less space of mobiles, you should place your content accordingly. It is better to keep headlines short and to the point. Users appreciate a clutter-free look so put minimum links and single image on a page, if possible. Reading content is not feasible on mobile so you should keep the useful information in bullet points. Place the call to action close to top of the page so that it can be noticed first.

Keep an Eye on File Size

Size of a file is very important. Accessing a landing page via mobile requires fast loading. If loading takes longer time, you may lose users. Your page should be below 20 kilobytes. Take care of your code and use image sprites as and when required. Do consider the number of requests that server has to cater. It may cause delay than downloading a file.

Make it Feasible for Local Users

Mobile users are in the habit of using location services. Customize the landing page and make it relevant for the local users. Based on size and scope of the project, you could also tailor the core content to the location. If it will be feasible for mobile users, you may reap good profit.

Grab the Attention Quickly

If you have placed good text which is not easy to read, it demands more attention. Mobile users have a short attention span than reading a book. Being limited for space, you should do everything to grab their attention at once. Less text in bigger size will be helpful.

Go for Thumb Test

Anything clickable on your page should qualify the thumb test. If it is not easy to click using the thumb, reconsider it. Pad links to leave maximum space around them and consider leaving enough room among links. It will decrease the chances that the mobile users tap the wrong links and move out of irritation.

Easy Navigation Matters

Navigation comes first for mobile users. It should be easy to navigate that they can enjoy. Keep buttons to a minimum and make sure that they qualify the thumb test. Navigation should be simple and buttons should be added to various areas of the page so that it attracts users to follow a logical path.

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