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5 Ways to Win Over an Angry Customer and Turn Them Into a Happy One

Internet Marketing - 12 Jan 2017

5 Ways to Win Over an Angry Customer and Turn Them Into a Happy One

Angry Customer and Turn Them Into a Happy One

While you may be doing the best you can to provide outstanding customer service to your online buyers, you simply can’t always please everyone. The reality is that it is inevitable to have an angry customer somewhere along the line who wasn’t happy with the product they received, or satisfied with the delivery time, etc. The good news is however,that there are ways to win over an angry customer and turn them into a happy one.

Here are 5 ways to turn a customer’s frown upside down:

1. Remember, It’s Not Personal

When an angry customer comes forth with a complaint in a tone or manner that feels uncomfortable, you may feel like it is a personal attack toward you, but in fact it is not. It is important to remember that an angry customer is upset not you, but at the issue at hand, such as faulty product, tardy delivery, etc.

2. Really Listen

You are not going to be able to win over an angry customer and turn them into a happy one if you aren’t really listening to what they’re saying. Make sure to really hear them out and clarify that you have heard them correctly with their concerns.

3. Be Empathetic

A great way to defuse an angry customer is to show your human side and be empathetic to their feelings of frustration. Assure them that you understand and can relate to why they may be upset.

4. Thank Them

Take the opportunity to thank angry customers for bringing forth their complaints/concerns, as they have essentially provided you the opportunity to remedy their issue, instead of immediately taking their business elsewhere. In addition, it makes smart business sense to encourage customers, whether they be angry or happy ones, to provide feedback, positive or negative, as this helps to make improvements where there are deficiencies.

5. Reassure And Resolve

It is important to reassure an angry customer that you will follow up on their concerns/complaints and seek a resolution, all while keeping them informed along the way.

It is unrealistic to think that you can keep every single customer happy throughout the life of your business, but using the above noted ways to convert an angry customer into a happy one will keep loss of customer base to a minimum and enhance your overall customer service.

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