NAI Interactive Ltd. is a top-notch market intelligence and investor relations service provider for booming companies, which are trading on the North American stock exchanges.
The portal function as a gateway for Chinese investors looking to invest in North American markets. Giving them access to the company’s financial and performance related information on a single click.
We Delivered a multilingual Portal working in three languages but easily manageable from a single page for creating post for all three languages which was a pathbreaking functionality.
The website was delivered with full functionality and thousands of existing users were migrated seamlessly. The website was added with functionality to view charts and predictions in real time for visitors who were looking for investment opportunities.
The Challenges
The website was to be migrated to WordPress CMS. Even the existing users and their accounts needed to be migrated. Multilingual posting was to be done with WPML. On one page, content was to be published in 3 languages. However, WPML did not allow the content to be published on one page it created three posts for the all different languages, but we had to create only one post for all languages to make the functionality work.
Public companies used to update their data daily, so their database was very heavy. and we needed it to be lighter.
Company profile of the listed companied was not SEO-friendly, which had to be made SEO-friendly.
We had created fields. On English page, we had to create two additional tabs: Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. There were to two tabs each for Traditional Chinese (English and simplified Chinese) and Simplified Chinese (English and Traditional Chinese).